Heat Stress Remote Monitoring
Monitor WBGT, Humidity, Humidex, and Temperature
Heat Stress Data Trends and Historian
Voice / SMS / Email Alarm Callouts
Access Data Anytime, Anywhere

Heat Stress Remote Monitoring
Ensure the safety of your employees and comply with OH&S regulations by remote monitoring for Humidity and Heat Stress to protect workers from extreme working conditions. Monitor for WBGT, Humidity, Humidex, and Temperature with EnviroLive’s Heat Stress Monitoring.

Heat stress monitoring is a requirement for most health agencies. Warehouses, factories, outdoor labour, shipping yards, or anywhere where heat and humidity could potentially be a health concern or could affect product quality, should be monitored.
QUEST Meters monitor data including: WBGT, Humidity, Temperature, Humidex, and Heat-Index
Online data access via desktop, tablets, and mobile devices
Unlimited number of users can login to view WBGT data through a web browser or mobile app
Set escalating alarms with early warnings can go to foremen, while higher thresholds will send email or SMS alerts to the users
Heat stress units can be embedded inside the Weather-Proof Packages for a outdoor or mobile solution
Add sound level and particulate monitoring for a complete monitoring package
Integrate and monitor existing heat stress devices
Heat Stress Monitor Applications

Military training activities in hot environments pose significant risks. EnviroLive’s Cloud-Ready Heat Stress monitoring and alarm notifications can assist in preventing heat-related illness associated with military training and exercises.

Athletes (Universities and Sports Teams) might experience heat stress during training, resulting in an increased risk of heat-related illness. EnviroLive provides Cloud-Ready Heat Stress monitoring and alarm notifications that can assist in preventing the effect of heat stress by alerting users of high heat levels.
Factories / Warehouses

Warehouse temperature can be difficult to regulate. Permanent monitoring stations can be set up with local displays and callouts to ensure products are made to specifications. SMS and Email messages to supervisors or foremen add an additional level of alarming to help keep product consistency.
Welding / Fabrication

Welders and fabricators deal with high heat all day long and are sometimes unaware of the dangers of ambient consistent heat and humidity. The EnviroLive Heat Stress monitor and alarm system can notify the workers and supervisors when it is time to drink more water and take a break from work.
Automotive Manufacturing

Manufacturing plants are difficult to cool in hot summer months. EnviroLive has helped car manufacturers monitor heat-stress safety levels using our Heat Stress Monitoring Packages. SMS and Email messages to supervisors or foremen add an additonal level of alarming to help keep your employee’s safe.

Long-term construction projects can require an immense safety presence on-site. Heat exhaustion is often overlook as it is not an immediate danger to most employees. EnviroLive heat stress monitor and remote callouts can keep your employees safe while you are focusing on more pressing dangers.

Due to the enclosed nature of mining heat exhaustion can be a concern. Wired monitoring allows communications to reach EnviroLive and signal supervisors above ground, while EnviroLive Heat Stress Package Siren and Lightbar can notify workers underground.

Humidity in shipyards is always a concern during the hot summer months. Although temperatures can sometimes remain relatively low the humidity drives the heat-index and WBGT up causing concern for the workers. EnviroLive’s Heat Stress monitor and alarm system can ensure there are adequate warnings in place to keep your employees safe.
Tradesmen / Landscapers

Labourers and tradespeople such as road crews, farmers, framers, welders, pipe fitters, landscapers, and construction crews are a susceptible to heat stroke and heat related injuries. A portable remote monitoring unit can be set up and send text messages reminding employees to take caution whenever a threshold is reached.
Cloud-Ready Heat Stress Packages
EnviroLive Heat Stress Packages are Cloud-Ready weather-proof enclosures that measure temperature, humidity, heat-index, WBGT, and more. The system is complete with onsite data logging, online data logging, escalating alarm notifications, and built-in connection to the cloud, allowing you to access heat stress data anytime, anywhere.
WBGT Sensor Package with HMI and LEDs
Need visual indication of the WBGT levels during military training or professional sports practices? EnviroLive’s high-lumen, multi-colored LEDs displays different colors based on the WBGT reading. Color thresholds can be set via the local HMI built into the NEMA IP66 Enclosure.

Enhance Heat Stress Monitor Capabilities with Remote Data Access and Alarm Notifications
Online heat-stress monitoring takes the manual work out of the monitoring process. There are no thermometers or hygrometers to manual check and notify staff. Using the intelligent Email / SMS / Voice callout system, alerts can be sent to dozens of individuals at once, notifying them of precautions that need to be taken.
Current & Historical Conditions
Current conditions are color-coded and historical data are displayed for simple, convenient access. EnviroLive’s Heat Stress Monitoring provides data that are polled from the Heat Stress Monitor and are stored in our secure cloud databases. The data is then analyzed and color-coded, and are displayed with historical data for simple, convenient access.
Alarm Conditions & History
Escalating callouts allow administrators to set Email, Text, or Voice alerts for specific groups of people at specific heat levels. This allows foremen and supervisors to be alerted before employees when levels are elevated but not necessarily dangerous. Further escalation in temperature levels can alert employees or contractors on-site. With ENVADCore’s Heat Stress Monitoring, foremen and supervisors can be notified anywhere.
ENVADACore / SCADACore Callout Alert for Heat Stress Monitoring
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